Jeff Davis Parish Police Jury
Louisiana Parish Government

A Brief History of Jeff Davis Parish​

Jefferson Davis Parish is located in Southwest Louisiana. It is bordered on the north by Allen Parish, on the west by Calcasieu Parish, on the south by Cameron Parish and on the east it  is separated from Acadia Parish by Bayou Nezpique which after joining with Bayou Des Cannes, becomes the Mermentau River.

Prior to January 1, 1912, the territory now called Jefferson Davis Parish was, along with Allen and Beauregard Parishes, part of the “Imperial Calcasieu” Parish. This Parish had quite a  mixed population, consisting of Creoles, Acadians, Indians, and Americans from half a dozen different states.

Named after the President of the confederacy, Jefferson Davis Parish was formed on June 12, 1912, when Governor L. C. Hall signed the Parish division bill which created Jefferson  Davis Parish by slicing it off from Calcasieu. This was the result of a sixteen-year fight and was passed without a dissenting vote. 

On October 33, 1912, climaxing another long fight, the people of Jefferson Davis Parish selected Jennings as the permanent Parish seat.